Hello, World!

This first post marks the launch of my website, with which I have been tinkering for some time now. From time to time, I will update the blog with new posts about topics related to quantitative psychology, statistical methods, R, Vim, and other things that interest me. So be sure to check back periodically!

In addition, you can find information about my publications and software projects. Whenever possible, I will update this information, including full-text versions of my articles and links to published and manuscript versions.

If you have any comments or suggestions for improvements for this website, you’re welcome to drop me a line on Twitter or via email.


This website was created with the help of several tools created and made openly available by many wonderful people. It uses Hugo and blogdown for building and content organization. The theme is based on Hyde with some alterations and redesigns inspired by the gruvbox color scheme. Display of math symbols is powered by MathJax, and icons by Font Awesome and Academicons.


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