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Multiple imputation for three-level and cross-classified data

January 3, 2019 thumbnail image Multiple imputation (MI) of missing values in hierarchical data can be tricky when the data do not have a simple two-level structure. In such a case, understanding and accounting for the hierarchical structure of the data can be challenging, and tools to handle these types … [more]

Dealing with missing data in ANOVA models

June 25, 2018 thumbnail image The analysis of variance, or ANOVA, is among the most popular methods for analyzing how an outcome variable differs between groups, for example, in observational studies or in experiments with different conditions. But how do we conduct the ANOVA when there are missing data? … [more]

Hello, World!

May 27, 2018 This first post marks the launch of my website, with which I have been tinkering for some time now. From time to time, I will update the blog with new posts about topics related to quantitative psychology, statistical methods, R, Vim, and other things that interest me. So be … [more]

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Multiple imputation for three-level and cross-classified data,
Dealing with missing data in ANOVA models,
Hello, World!,

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Blog Roll

Other websites and blogs I enjoy and which are concerned with statistics, social science, or R include (among others):

Many other blogs about R can be found at R Bloggers.